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    时间:2023-04-20 22:11:38




      1. 找出最大值,最小值,以及一般值

      2. 进行分析比较,找出近似值和相差很大的数值


      1.a is nearly /more than…times as much/many/large as b.


      3. be the same as…



      (1). cause-effect (较常用) :XXX lead to / bring about / result in/ account for … (一个句子/shared the same tendency), therefore / thus / hence / as a result / consequently / (and) so …

      (2). effect-cause (较常用)

      XXX be caused by / result from / be the result of / be the effect of / be the consequence of … (一个句子/shared the same tendency), because …

      it is adj. that …

      it is unimaginable that …

      it is undeniable that …

      it is interesting to discover that …


    Dear Sir or Madam

      I am writing to inform you that I wish to movesintosa new room next term. I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.

      I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my room-mate’s inconsiderate behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes borrows my things without asking me. In these circumstances. I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind in my assignments.

      I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to molesintosa room of my own,swheresI will be free from such distractions. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.

      Yours sincerely.


      Some people think governments should introduce laws assessing what nutrition and food choices to improve public health. Others think it is wrong. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Some people think governments should introduce laws assessing what nutrition and food choices to improve public health. Others think it is wrong.

      Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Food is the paramount necessity of people. However, in recent years, we are appalled by the frequent outbreak of such incidents as milk powder adulterated with melamine, lean meat powder and a spate of food contamination cases. In response, a growing number of people call for the government to take decisive actions to tackle food safety hazards by introducing laws assessing food nutrition.

      People in favor of such practice believe that customers have the right to find out everything about the food to make sure that what they eat is safe. If this information is transparent, then customers can feel free to choose the food they like without worring that this food can be harmful to their health. Besides, by keeping the information about the nutrition of food transparent, it can also discourage food producers from behaving irresponsibly for the food they make since it puts them under the scrutiny of customers. By this means, food producers will be more careful about the materials they add into the food.Nevertheless, some people hold opposite views, believing that releasing such laws fails to solve the food safety issues at its core.

      They maintain that this law can only result in food producers fabricating their nutrition labels instead of truly reflecting ingredients in their food. What's worse, this cosmetic work can lead to the dereliction of duty by government officials since they may loosen their monitoring on the food with such nutrition labels.In my opinion, it is necessary to issue laws assessing food nutrition since they can hold food producers accountable for what they make by putting them under the scrutiny of customers. However, releasing the law does not mean that law enforcement officials can sit back and relax. Without those people's efforts, laws can only be a piece of paper, having no actual effect. Therefore, it takes both the law and people's action in implementing the law to deliver tangible results in our efforts to ensure food safety.


      The maps given compare the current layout of a college with its plan in 2015.

      At present, to the north of the rectangular campus there is a garden opposite to the entrance. Along the west wall lie a footpath and a car park and the south a bus stop. Inside, two classrooms in the south and a bigger one in the northeastern corner can be found, on the south of which the reception and the library are sited. Not mentioned are the seemingly open area for lunch in the northwestern and the toilets in the south.

      The college in 2015 is expected to demonstrate many differences including its extended length, along with which the car park will also expand its size. The garden and the footpath will vanish while a shop will be introduced inside. Noticeably, the entrance and the toilets will exchange their places, with the former directly leading to an oval reception. Likewise, the library of a shrunk size will be moved to the southwestern corner where a classroom lies now. Along the east wall four classrooms will be located.

      Despite the differences, that all the facilities are built immediately adjacent to each other and against the wall will remain consistent.


      The diagrams show West Part School at three different stages in its development: 1950, 1980 and 2010.

      In 1950, the school was built close to a main road and next to a number of houses. A large area behind the school was turned into a playground, while the area behind the houses was farmland.

      By 1980, the houses had been demolished in order to make way for a small car park and an additional school building, which became the science block. In addition to the existing playground, the school also gained the farmland and converted it into a sports field.

      In 2010, the school building remained unchanged but the car park was extended to cover the entire sports field. As a result of this, the original playground was divided into two so that it provided a smaller playground and a small sports field.

      During this period, the school has increased in size and a car park has been created and enlarged. The combined recreational areas, however, first expanded and were then reduced in size.


      Task:Art classes, like painting and drawing are as important as other subject, should be compulsory subject in high school.To what extant do you agree or disagree?

      Sample answer:

      Nowadays, many people contemplate whether art classes should be compulsory courses of high school. I believe it is absolutely necessary to make this idea come true as soon as possible.

      One of the reasons is that some artworks are rich in knowledge and through appreciating these artworks in class, students can have access to a wide range of knowledge. For example, compared with the limited narration in history book, one of the masterpieces of Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, The Last Supper, displays a scene of religion in a more vivid and profound way. Art classes offer students another opportunity to think about some knowledge and these classes are significant complement to some core classes like math and science.Without these art classes, students can only acquire knowledge through words, which is not always the most effective and comprehensive approach to learn.

      Apart from that, the underlying merits of attending art classes will benefit the students in the long term,which are no less than those of studying some core subjects As we know, academic performance is no longer the only standard to judge a student for many universities and as result, being adept at music or painting do help. After they enter the university,even if they study other majors in college, the skills qualities cultivated through these art classes may assist them to perform better. The abilities to be focused, to be detail-oriented and to be persistent will be conducive to students no matter what their disciplines are.

      Considering the advantages of making art classes a complosory part in high school discussed above, I believe it is a wise choice from every aspect.


      You recently met a manager from a new company that opened in your town. After the meeting, he wrote to you, offering you a job in this new company. However, you want to stay in your present job. Write a letter to the manager, and include: thanks him for the offer, explain why you want to stay in the present job, recommend a friend to take the job in the new company.

      Rewritten Sample writing:

      My sincere apologies for the delay in my response, as I wished to consider your offer in detail.

      First, I wish to express my gratitude for your generous offer, which was important to me, nevertheless after consideration I believe that I would prefer to stay in my current position.

      As a structural engineer, the design of economical residential buildings to accommodate general people was a dream of my childhood, and presently I am very fortunate that I am able to fulfill my dreams. As a result, it would be my intention to remain with my present work.

      At the same time, and this may be of interest to you, I would like to recommend a friend, Bob Gillett, who was a colleague of mine, to apply for the position that you offered me. He is specialized in environmental engineering and has ten years’ working experience. I believe he would be the perfect candidate for your company. I have also spoken with him in brief and you can contact him directly on 0432783157. I am sure he would be pleased to hear from you.

      Thank you once more for your kind consideration and with best wishes.


      You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

      Some people believe that the spread of TV has made families less closer. To what degree do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

      You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

      As one of the most important inventions of the past century, TV is playing a more and more important role in modern life. However, some people are starting to worry about its negative effects on traditional families. I am convinced that the existence of TV has brought about alienation among family members.

      First, watching TV occupies our time to communicate with our families. TV provides a ready means of relaxation for people who spend their days doing routine and busy jobs. As soon as TV enters into our home, most of our free time is controlled by it. What is more, the one-eyed monster requires absolute silence and attention. If any member dares to open his mouth, the others order him to shut up immediately. Therefore we communicate less with our family members.

      Furthermore, families often quarrel over what programs they should watch. Thanks to hardworking TV workers, we enjoy more TV channels and more colorful TV programs. But a question has arisen: it is difficult for families to choose a common channel because they have different interests. It is inevitable to given rise to quarrel among them.

      In addition, poor-quality TV programs can have severe effects on people’s mood and behavior. For instance, a person who watches too many idealized programs may become unrealistic. In addition, unhealthy programs which contain obscene and violent contents may cause people’s curiosity.

      In conclusion, I think that TV indeed has led to alienation among family members. We should be aware about the problem. Something should be done as soon as possible to protect the families from the negative effects of television. For example, we should reduce the time spent in front of the little screen and spend more time with our families together. (290 words)


      I am writing to inform you that the microwave oven in your kitchen is broken. I am so sorry and it was all my fault.

      This morning, when I was cooking my breakfast, I put the utensil which is made from metal into the machine. Unfortunately, after few seconds, I saw sparks flying off and heard two or three loud bangs. I was too scared to cut off the electricity immediately. While I opened the oven, there were some holes in the internal surface and the bulb was smashed. Obviously, it can not work any longer.

      I was so hurry for work at that time that I forgot the notice of how to use the microwave oven appropriately. I made a sincere apology to you for my mistake and hope you could contact with the workers who can repair the damage. I promise I would pay for the maintenance costs.


      It is true that our tiny individual actions often seem insignificantcompared to the scale and complexity of global environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources. But that does not relieve our duty as individuals to do as much as we can to deal with these problems.

      Individual actions, small as they may be, can sometimes prove more effective than we realize. We can avoid driving the car, and take public transit, walk, or bicycle instead. This will reduce the use of fossil fuels and cut pollution. Saving energy at home, like turning on the air conditioner only when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, is also ultimately good for the environment. Individual actions can also turn into united powers when, for example, the whole neighborhood is mobilized to participate in a local campaignto oppose environmentally damaging policies.

      There are, however, obstacles that stand in the way of individual action towards environmental conservation. The first obstacle is the lack of professional knowledge needed to cope with serious environmental issues like soil erosion and salinity, which requires a significant amount of investigation and research. Another obstacle which makes individual action almost impossible is when an environmental emergency or accident happens, e.g. an oil spill or a nuclear leakage near the border line, which would necessitategovernment engagement or even international coordination.

      So, in conclusion, when it comes to environmental problems, individual actions are indispensable in the problem solving process. But the most pressing and complicatedproblems go far beyond an individual’s capability and so require the concerted effort of the government as well as the global community.



      According to the data , the years from …to…saw/winess a rise/climb/drop in the number/rate/percentage/proportion of 对象 from数据to数据,which was followed by a rapid decrease/reduce/increase over the ** years.

      The number/rate…droped/went up again from…in ** year to…in ** year and then went up/clined gradually until ** year ,when there was a leveling off/leveling out at 数据 for 一段时间。


      Also it can be noticed that in ** year ,the number/percentage … reached the buttom . However/on the contrary,**year saw the peak during this period.

      ……时间点 ,when the number/percentage reached(amounted to)to a peak of… / a high point at …

      ……时间点,when the number/percentage bottomed out (at…)


      The proportion/number of 对象 in the xx and xx are similar and follow the same trend.In ** the figures were xx% and xx% respectively,rising to xx% and xx% respectively in **,after dipping to xx% and xx% respectively in **.(总体的趋势介绍)Thereafter,分开介绍即可


      …is projected to…… as to

      …is expected to…… as for

      …is forcasted to …… …is estimated to…

      5. 对波动的描述

      as can be seen from the graph,the two curves show the flutuation of…


      ……fluctuated dramatically between xx% and xx% during …period .

      此外,在描述过程中还有很多的conjunctional words/sentences,最常用的固定搭配如下:

      并列: as well as(句首/中), also, as well(句尾), either, neither, too, moreover, furthermore, in addition, additionally, besides, what’s more, apart from …

      举例: for example, for instance, to illustrate, as an illustration, in particular, particularly, especially

      事实: as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, as long as, so long as …

      雷同/近似:similarly, likewise(句首/尾), at the same time, equally …

      转折: however, whereas, nevertheless, nonetheless, though, although, even though, while, yet, on the contrary, contrarily, in contrast, conversely, on the other hand, unlikely, instead (of), in spite of, despite of …


      Most people have dreams of one day becoming rich. But does the average person have the ability to make a lot of money? Think about this question. Then write about 250 words describing your thoughts.

      When lack of money prevents us from having something we want very much, it is tempting to dream of being rich. It is hard to keep in mind that Americans are already wealthy compared with people in many other parts of the world. Our modern conveniences would have been the envy of kings in times past. Just the same, most people would like a larger. Whether most people are capable of making a lot of money is another question.

      People in average circumstances can often get ahead through education, hard work, and careful money management. But getting ahead is not the same as actually becoming rich.

      Only a small percentage of Americans could be called truly wealthy. Some people joined this group from ordinary beginnings. Usually they have done it by carefully riding some major development in the economy on its way up. In the past, great fortunes have been made in oil, steel, and railroads. Recently, some people have made millions in computers and real estate.

      Usually, though, it takes money to make money. Big investors often start rich and then get richer. Most of us cannot strike oil or start the next new technical breakthrough. Most people are not born into wealthy families, either. In America it certainly is possible to become more prosperous. But unless someone wins the lottery, real wealth is not very likely to come along.


      In many parts of the world, a traditional concept of family called four generations living together has been handed down for thousands of years. In old times, the eldest man usually dominated others without any challenge amid the overpopulated home. In comparison with modern society, such a place should be an effective habitat to keep greed and selfishness ,which is considered as born nature of humans, away as a consequence of helping each other and sharing property between family members under the supervision of the most influential man. However, over a thousand-year period those female members suffered extremely tough circumstances of s e x ual discrimination: they were in charge of childcare, household chores, farmingtopsoil clearing and planting, you name it. Whats worse, they werent allowed to dine with men at the same table-leftovers filled up their bellies. Conversely, in contemporary society, a growing number of females are fighting for more human rights, say, equality to males, and they are gaining ground! How to convince the fierce female tigers these traditions are their better destiny? No way!!!A better life can never be expected by only eliminating greed and selfishness. whereas it ought to be defined along with the following qualities: privacy respected, individual development, no s e x ual discrimination and a fair community with equal opportunities. In addition to my viewpoint, an appropriate way of education would probably a sensible solution to minimize the goddamn greed and selfishness in modern society instead of returning to the old society.


      Task:Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

      Sample answer:

      In recent years, animal protection has become an issue of concern. People take different attitudes towards the increasing attention and expenditure on wildlife conservation. Some people suggest that the spending should be redirected to helping other fields in society. I agree with the view that the investment in wildlife protection is not worthwhile.

      Animals, as a key component of the whole food chain, have a profound impact on the sustainability of an ecosystem. As we known, every kind of animals plays an important role in natural balance. For instance, the demise of any species will lead to the growth or decline of other species. In some extreme cases, some species may at the verge of extinction such as Dodo bird. If people did not take actions to protect wildlife as soon as possible, we humans would be affected in the end.

      However, there are more issues that we need to focus in our society rather than protecting animals. In current social context, the primary task is still to improve living standards since there are many people living under the poverty line. Only when people are in a good living condition, can they pay attention to other social problems. Besides, technology and education are another two aspects of governments to concern. These two industries accelerate the development of society, which will provide a better protection for wildlife in turn.

      In conclusion, although the animal is a significant part of ecosystem, it is better for governments to invest more finance and resources in other social problems.


      The charts compare Korea, Sweden and the UK in terms of the methods used in each country to dispose of harmful waste.

      It is clear that in both the UK and Sweden, the majority of dangerous waste products are buried underground. By contrast, most hazardous materials in the Republic of Korea are recycled.

      Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 82% of the UK’s dangerous waste is put into landfill sites. This disposal technique is used for 55% of the harmful waste in Sweden and only 22% of similar waste in Korea. The latter country recycles 69% of hazardous materials, which is far more than the other two nations.

      While 25% of Sweden's dangerous waste is recycled, the UK does not recycle at all. Instead, it dumps waste at sea or treats it chemically. These two methods are not employed in Korea or Sweden, which favour incineration for 9% and 20% of dangerous waste respectively.


      Air transport is commonly used to move fruits and vegetables to places where those farm products can’t grow or are out of season. The benefits of such business are obvious, but air transport also creates a number of problems.

      Transport of fruits and vegetables by air enables consumers to enjoy a wider variety of fresh and in-season farm products from all over the world. Not only is air transport good for consumers, it is also a blessing for farmers because the market is no longer restricted by regions. As a result, air transport increases the sale volume by selling more products in more places.

      Moreover, air transport of food has now become a major resource of incomes for air companies. In the past, air companies’ business mainly came from serving passengers. However, facing an increasingly tough market, air companies need to expand their share of market to serve a wider range of customers in order to stay in the game and make a profit. With a booming economy and more money to spend, people create a great potential for food transport business and good margin for air companies.

      In spite of such benefits, air transport is not free of problems. One major issue is high cost. Air transport is probably the most expensive way of transport. Higher costs entail high prices, which in turn deprive people with less money the opportunities to enjoy such privileges. So air transported food is now for the rich, a fact that is unfair for poor people.

      In addition, it is not the best option to solve problems by transporting food from outside for places where certain kinds of fruits does not grow. The most optimal way, it seems to me, is that we should change the environment required by such plants using scientific and biological methods such as creating suitable soil and temperature. Such solutions will be proven to be ultimately cost-effective and fundamental.

      More importantly, research indicates that air transport pollutes the environment. For example, Britain transports half its food by air. However one kilo New Zealand fruit emits five kilo warm house gas on its way to destination. Therefore, some environmental groups and books advocate people to distinguish local fruit and air-transported fruit in an effort to cut the pollution from food consumption.

      In conclusion, air transport has many benefits for consumers and farmers, but it also has problems such as high cost and pollution. More effective and environmental friendly solution should be found to address such problems.


      DONT copy any part of the question in your answer. This is not your own work and therefore will be disregarded by the examiner and deducted from the word count. You can use individual words but be careful of using long chunks of the question text.

      Dont repeat yourself or the same ideas. This gives a bad impression and the examiner realises that it isnt adding to the content of your report.

      If you are weak at English grammar, try to use short sentences. This allows you to control the grammar and the meaning of your writing much more easily and contributes to a better cohesion and coherence mark. Its much easier to make things clear in a foreign language if you keep your sentences short!

      As I just said, if you have finished the exam with time to spare, DONT just sit there!! Check what you have done. If you have time after the check, check again. And so on....

      Dont be irrelevant. Although you can use your imagination to expand on your answer, if any part of your report is totally unrelated to the question and put in to just put up the word count, then the examiner will not take it into account and deduct it from the word count.

      If you want to improve, theres no secret. Practice. Practice. Practice. You wont get better sitting and doing nothing. Even good English users need practice for the IELTS exam. It could make all the difference between your getting the band that you need, and getting half a band less than you need and having to wait 3 months to do the exam again.


      Some people believe that students who want to go to university after graduation from high school should have about one years time to get a job to obtain work experience or have a travel to enlarge their vision.

      Do you agree or disagree? What is your opinion?

      High school students who intend to study at university should attend tertiary education after graduation. To spend one years time doing a job to acquire work experience or to travel for broadening ones vision is, to my mind, a waste of time and energy.

      First, university education is the continuation of high school education for those students who want to pursue their learning at an advanced level. A break of one year from academic study will probably weaken ones memory of what has been learned, especially for those who will study such theoretical subjects as mathematics, physics or chemistry.

      Besides, many nations have established one examination that all students must pass to qualify for admission to a university. For example, in China there is a college entrance examination. Anyone who fails in the examination will be denied of admission into a university.

      Furthermore, one years work or travel does not help students much in their academic studies at university because it is unpredictable for ones work experience to be integrated into ones studies of specific subjects, to say nothing of traveling experience. Even if some subjects, such as MBA, require students to have work experience, one years work experience, however, is not sufficient to meet the requirements of three or five years, and ones work experience should, after all, be related to management.



      It is clear that the most (adj.) xx is A, which accounts for m% of all x . B is the next largest(adj.)xx ,n% lower than A of all x and followed closely by C . The above three items of xx take uo about o% of the x%

      By contrast D E andF make uo the smallest percentage of total x , which are p% q% and r% ,respectively.

      The regions can be divided into two groups-one where … and the other where the reverse is the case.


      Form, comprise, make up, occupy

      Constitute, cover, represent, account for

      Be shared by

      In 1950, the urban population represented less than 13% of the total. It is now about 40% and is expected to reach 60% by 2030. (摘自BBC)


      A quarter of…

      Half of…

      A majority of…

      A has something in common with b

      A shares some similarity with b

      The difference between a and b lies in…

      Double, triple, quadruple (v, n, adj)

      原来的'2倍-double, 50→100

      原来的3倍-triple, 50→150

      原来的4倍-quadruple, 50→200

      The value of the house has increased fourfold (=it is now worth four times as much as before).

      …be twice as adj. as …..

      …more than xx times as adj. as …..


      The advancement of modern technology is making peoples life more comfortable and at the same time less human. To those who enjoy the benefits of technology, there is no better time to be alive than now, but to others life has been increasingly complex and stressful. The issue is whether such new technological machines as computers and the Internet would be our servants forever or eventually could become our masters.

      All kinds of inventions made possible by technology are designed to be the slaves of human beings, if human beings are not to be slaved by machines. Once upon a time, we were plain people, but that was before we began having relationships with technological systems. By getting involved with computerized machines, we could not help changing the way we live and the way we work, for better or for worse It can be realized that life is more complex because much of modern technology is not born to meet primary human needs, and many unnecessary inventions are producing negative effects on a living style that used to be relatively simple. Thus, there is an overwhelming feeling of complexity in the sense that machines act like humans and humans act like machines. Now that intelligent machines such as robots are widely applied to take the place of human beings because they are capable of doing many useful jobs, although making many people joblesss. Those who cannot work with computers are disadvantaged and therefore helpless while the traditional skills and simple ways of life are fading away, never to return again.

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