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    时间:2023-04-20 22:10:59


      I think everyone is enjoying his or her life. I like collecting pictures. I have been collecting pictures since I was 10 years old. And now I have 200 pieces of them. Im always enjoying books of beautiful pictures in the library. I often buy books and newspapers of them. Then I collect pictures on my collecting notebooks? I particularly love pictures with buildings. Because I like buildings, they are very beautiful. I have a book about buildings. My father sent it to me on my 12th birthday. I always enjoy my collecting notebook?when Im free. It makes me happy all the time. Can you tell me what your hobby is?


      My hobby is reading. I love reading books. And this hobby helps me a lot. For example, I can learn how to cook by reading a cook book. So I can treat myself when I am too tired to continue working. I can also learn how to improve my writing skills by reading beautiful articles written by famous writers as BingXin and so on. When I feel upset, I will try some inspiring stories to cheer myself up. When I feel myself lazy, I can read several fables to find out what will happen if I don't work hard. When I feel boring, I may find the amazing palace by travelling with the author of the detective stories. Reading is my love. I believe people without books, will be like fishes without water.


      My favorite hobby is singing. I have never received any formal musical education, nor can I read notes, but this hasn’t affected my strong liking for singing. What counts to me is that singing never fails to bring me jot. Whenever I feel blue, I sing. And, miraculously, all the sad feelings are gone. What fills my hearts is, instead, a feeling of peace. It is not too much to say that singing has brightened up my life.


      I have many hobbies, but my favorite hobby is reading books.

      When I was a small boy, I began to read books. From books, I know how to become a man. When others are in trouble, I should give them my hand, and try my best to help them, then I also feel very happy. When I meet some difficulties, I will not go back.. Because I know, I am a man, I should try to handle it by myself. So I stand, bravely and strongly.

      When I am free, I often read books. From books, I study a lot. I know how to behave well, how to make me stronger and better.

      Now, I am a middle school student. I will keep on reading.


      Do you have any hobbies? If not ,what do you do in the holidays ? I have many hobbies .On weekdays ,when I study in school ,I play with my classmates .Sometimes I play volleyball with them,sometimes I play football with them .I think playing football is very interesting and exciting .But when I get home ,I like listening to music alone .Also I like reading story books.When I am not happy about something ,I usually draw some pictures though I am not good at drawing .On weekends ,there is no class ,I like shopping with my friends and my parents .

      Hobbies can make someone happy ,so I like them .And I have many hobbies.Do you agree with me?


      People always have their own hobbies, like collecting shells, drawing, listening music and so on. But I think theyre not interesting for me.

      My hobby is collecting stuffed animals. I have been collecting them for 2 years. I have 30 of them. The first one I ever got was a pink, cute and small rabbit. I love it best! But because of my carelessness, I lost it. I wasnt happy until I got a black cat with two big eyes and a long tail. My best friend gave it to me on my 11th birthday. But I have to stop now. Theyre all around my bedroom. So I want to sell them to make money for charities.


      Different people have different hobbies ,such as reading and so on.But my hobby is listen to music and sports .

      I like music when i 10 years old . I love many kinds of music:such as pop music,rock music and so on.It make me feel relaxing when I listening music. I think music can bring me a lot of fun and happy.As a resultI'm very happy now!

      As well as listen to music and i like spots, too. I like basketball. And when I finish my homework I like playing basketball with my friends.My hobby makes me happy and relaxing .I will continue.


      Everybody has his hobby, such as singing, dancing, photo-taking, drawing, reading or guita playing. My hobby is collecting stamps. Why? Because my favourite hobby gives me a lot of pleasure, and I can learn a lot about geography and history from stamps.

      I have already collected about 800 stamps since I was in Grade Two. Yesterday my uncle sent me a beautiful Canadian stamp from Montreal. I was too excited to sleep last night.





      Everyone has his own hobby.My hobby is traveling.

      So when it comes to the holiday. I will travel with my friends.But I'm not only on the train or plane, but also riding a bicycle.

      I enjoy cycling to me very much,Music is a very important part of the journey.

      Whenever see beautiful scenery, my friend and I can take pictures together, as a souvenir.Each time i look at the photos i took in the countryside ,I think of the friends.I've already gone to so many places with my friends.

      For me now, this is my favorite hobby.What is your hobby?


      My hobby is collecting flowers. I have been collecting flowers for over two years. I think collecting flowers can help me know every seasons special things and it also can keep our environment clean. The first one I ever got was a beautiful flower which was given by my grandmother on my10th birthday and I began to collect flowers on that day. I think Ill collect them until I grow up and Ill probably have a flower show.

      Thats all about my hobby. Sometimes I feel sad or I argue with someone when I see them, I feel happy. I think the hobby I have is the most common but the influence it has is the most uncommon.


      Since I was young, I like reading books. When I was a child, father bought me countless books, as soon as I have free time I indulge in the beautiful statements, rich imagination.

      Once I was sitting on the couch watching "Grimm's fairy tales", unconsciously fell asleep. Had a dream, the dream is full of happy ending of the prince and the princess, the hero beat the triumph of the wicked

      Suddenly mom woke me up, I just know that it was a dream. It seems that I in the dream, everything look so clear, seemed to hear the cries of people and Shouting, and warm

      Clapping my mother's words awakened me: "don't daydream, come and dine/" I smelled a sweet, that is really a dream ah.


      I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our health.As for me,I like playing basketball. You know,piaying basketball is good for our heart,lungs,head and so on.I aiways piay basketball in the morning and in the evening.Of course,'where there is a will,there is a way',Not only my teachers but also my classmates are all pleasant with me.On the other hand,I am in good health.Because of that,I like basketball better than before.You also can see,when I am angry,I will piay basketball,then,I may be happy. I like playing basketball,what is your favorite sport?


      I have many hobbies, such as reading, writing, singing, drawing, watching TV and doing exercise. I think hobbies can make my life colorful. And I can make friends easier, because we have common interests and we have many things to talk about.



      Dear Tom,

      How are you ?

      I would like to introduce my hobbies to you .

      I like dancing very much.I always dance with my firends when I have nothing to do. Dance can help me keep fit and it is helpful for us to be happy.

      Sometimes I dance one two hours with my friends. Though I feels very tired after dacing ,I am very heppy .

      What is your hobby ?

      I hope to receive your earliest reply.


      I have many hobbies, such as reading, skating, and watching TV. But reading is my favorite hobby.

      I like reading for three reasons. First of all, books introduce me to a new world, which is colourful and without time and space limit, Through reading, I can trace back. to ancient Egypt, the cradle of human civilization. It can bring myself to the United states, a glamorous land I have been longing to visit. Secondly, reading can better myself by showing me a new horizon. In the past years, most of my knowledge has been obtained from books. I have learned from many people by reading about their ideas on scithee, politics, life and society. Thirdly, reading bridge the gap between my dream and my goal. In ordcr to succeed in my career in the future, I must keep reading, thinking and practising.

      Reading has become part of my life. Every day, I spend some time reading books, newspapcrs and magazines. At night, I can hardly go to steep without a novel in my hand.


      my hobby is lisetening to music.

      i like listening to music best.because listening to music makes me relaxed.when i am tired,i will listening some quiet music,that makes me fall asleep very quickly.my favorite music is the music that has good lyrics.good lyrics can also make me learn chinese or english well

      i love listening to music.i will keep this hobby forever.

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