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    时间:2023-04-20 22:10:50


      When we ask a foreigner what’s his impression about China, then he tell you about the delicious food and Chinese Kongfu. Chinese Kongfu has been a symbol, the first person that make the world recognize China by his Kongfu movie is Bruce Lee. Though he died, he still got a lot of fans today, everybody knows him well. Then Jackie Chen make Chinese Kongfu famous all around the world, his movie is very funny by all kinds of actions. Many Hollywood directors have come to China to seek for cooperation, they want to film the movie that contains Chinese Kongfu. Kongfu is part of our culture and the world is knowing us by it.


      Hello! I’m a student from Class 10, Grade 7. Let me tell you something about my school life. It’s very intersting.

      Classes begin at 7:50 am. I have five classes in the morning. In the afternoon, I have three classes. We studay many subjects. They are English, art, history, biology and some other subjects. My favorite subject is English. It’s easy and interesting. I like P.E. and music, too. Our P.E. teacher is very funny. But I don’t like history at all. I think it’s difficult and boring.

      After school, I like playing soccer on the playground with my classmates. Sometimes I go swimming. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I go to the library.

      I like my school life a lot.


      Chinese New Year is coming soon!

      I'm going to buy some new clothes. Then I'm going to put on new clothes. We are going to clean my house.

      We are going to eat a big dinner. We are going to get lucky money from our parents and we are going to say thank you.

      It's going to be lots of fun!






      七年级下册英语单词 推荐度: 七年级英语下册教学计划 推荐度: 七年级英语下册的教学计划 推荐度: 七年级英语下册教学计划 推荐度: 新目标英语七年级下册的教学计划 推荐度:
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      in my study and life, there are many people helped me a lot, especially my parents.they are kind and easygoing.no matter what i do something, they are my backbone and instructor.take case of my life,they have a very good influence on me.they teach me how to do housework and teach me how to live up to our life.when i am down,they will always behind my back.they encourge me and cheer me up.and in the end,i can get rid of the blue mood quickly with their help.i love and appreciate them。


      hanks for watching CCTV Travel around China. It’s warm and sunny in my hometown. Farmers are busying growing vegetables and planting trees. Children are flying kites in the field. Some boys are playing football. Some girls are running around the field track. Some old men are playing chess under a big tree. Some young men are taking photos in front of the beautiful flowers.


      My name is Zhai Tianyu. I'm 8 years old, and I'm going to be a grade two pupil. I am tall, fat, and I look at an honest and kind child.

      I love learning. In class, I listen carefully and speak actively; in the next class, I will read storybooks with my classmates. I love work. As I was tall and strong, my teacher asked me to be a labour commissioner. Every time I work, I snatch in front of it. I always take the initiative to clean up the class hygiene. I have a wide range of interests. I like to play basketball, play football, like painting, play games.

      This is me, a lively and cheerful little boy. I hope you like me.


      In western countries, more and more young kids have the problem of obesity, because of the popularity of fast food. The culture of KFC and Mcdonald’s attract the kids all the time, the food there is full of high calorie, which is easy to become fat. Many kids are willing to spend the time in eating fast food, because the fried food cater to them. In China, there is also the increasing number of children obesity, in order to help the kids grow in the healthy way, the balanced diet is advocated. Meat and vegetable are indispensable, while eating more vegetables and fruit is healthier. To stay away from the fast food is the key to be fit.


      Hello teachers.My name is ---.I'm 19 years old now.I'm from--.Glad to be here today.My major is international finance and trade.I love my major,so I'm gonna study hard.Everybody's keen on sth.,isn't it?

      I like surfing online,playing basketball and listening to music.I'm good at running,especially sprint,such as 100 meters.The country I'm dreaming to visit is Spain,which is a very beautiful country.My favorite animal is dog,as it's so cute.My biggest hobby is playing basketball,and i've dreamt to be a professional player,but I'm not tall enough.So my present goal is to study hard,and pass Toefl in the first year.

      Thank you.


      How to learn English well?

      How to learn English?Do you know?Here is some advice on me: You should listen to the radio and listhe to the music.You can learn many new words from it.But you can't understand every word.You only need to listen to the key words and main ideas.Why not speak English as much as possible in class?let's try to find some English friends and talk to them.How about reading?You should read English newspaper and English magazines.I think writing is important too.Why don't we write down our mistakes in the notebook?And don't forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.

      I hope my advice can help you improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing.


      My favorite animal is a dog. I like her best because she is cute and she can help me. I name her BoBo. I got it as a birthday present from my friend. She is very lovely. When I want something, I will say "BoBo", she often goes to get it for me. She likes eating meat. I often go to the supermarket to buy some meat for her. And I often take her for a walk on weekends. Do you like her?


      Good afternoon and nice to see you at this sunny afternoon.

      I am very glad to be here for interview.

      My name is YYX . I come from xxxx and my major is english special lised in business. Computer, books, films and climbing moutains are my favourite.

      I have been a class president for nearly 4 years, and I also have been an interpreter at Dalian Garment Fair for twice.

      I think all these exprience and my responsibility, creating thinking and passion would make me qualify for this job.

      And what's more, my laptop computer is HP, so I have a better way to recgonize HP. I believe that it would be a challenge and a chance for me to be a HP man. That's all ,Thank you so much!


      in my study and life, there are many people helped me a lot, especially my parents.they are kind and easygoing.no matter what i do something, they are my backbone and instructor.take case of my life,they have a very good influence on me.they teach me how to do housework and teach me how to live up to our life.

      when i am down,they will always behind my back.they encourge me and cheer me up.and in the end,i can get rid of the blue mood quickly with their help.i love and appreciate them.


      The ancients cloud: "reading to learn." Reading another benefit, is the people to cultivate noble moral character, know the book of rites.

      The bacon once said: "books are in the waves of sailing ship to the thought of The Times, it takes careful gave precious goods to generation after generation." The ancient tradition of famous people, such as respect, cherish the time, fools, etc., were later recorded in the book, the nature, read it, understand the truth, can be used, will become a moral person.

      Whether Chinese or foreign, have been a lot of celebrities, and the story of these celebrities, their diligence, hard work, also are weaved.





      Zhang Jing is my good friend. She studies in Qingdao.

      Her home is about three kilometers from school. She usually rides her bike to school and it takes her about twenty minutes .But when it rains, she goes to school by taxi. It takes her only five minutes . Her father and mother both work in a hospital. It’s eight kilometers from their home. They take a car to work . It takes them about ten minutes.


      My name is a. I study in No.2 Middle school.

      My favourite subject is English. Because I think it is very easy and we can talik with foreigners by it.But I don't like Maths,it's not easy at all.

      I am not good at it.

      I am good at Music,so I like it, too.

      Do you think so?






      Last week I lost my lunch money my mother gave me. I was worried and sad.

      My best friend Xiaomei gave me her only 10 yuan and told me that was her pocket money. I believed that.

      Then I knew the money was saved by her from breakfast and she wanted to buy a new bag. It moved me.






      I study in No.2 Middle school.

      My favourite subject is English. Because I think it is very easy and we can talik with foreigners by it.But I dont like Maths,its not easy at all.

      I am not good at it.

      I am good at Music,so I like it, too.

      Do you think so?

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